EVC Weather 5 Day Forecast Plugin Documentation


The EVC 5 Day Forecast plugin displays a 5-day weather forecast using NOAA’s weather.gov API. It provides weather data for a specified location, which can be set using a ZIP code. The plugin includes a shortcode for embedding the forecast on any page and a dashboard widget for managing settings.


  1. 5-Day Forecast Display: Provides weather information for up to five days, including temperature, conditions, precipitation probability, and wind details.
  2. Dashboard Widget: Allows users to set a ZIP code and refresh weather data directly from the WordPress admin dashboard.
  3. Shortcode Integration: Embed the forecast on any page using the [evc_5day_forecast] shortcode.
  4. Caching: Caches weather data to minimize API calls.
  5. Responsive Design: Designed to integrate seamlessly into any WordPress theme.


  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Add the [evc_5day_forecast] shortcode to a post or page to display the forecast.


Setting the ZIP Code

  1. Go to the WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Locate the “EVC 5 Day Forecast Settings” widget.
  3. Enter a valid ZIP code and click Save & Refresh.

Shortcode Usage

  • Add the shortcode [evc_5day_forecast] to a post, page, or widget to display the forecast.


Fetch Weather Data

  • Function: evc_5day_fetch_weather_data($lat, $lon)
  • Description: Retrieves weather data from NOAA’s weather.gov API using latitude and longitude.
  • Parameters:
    • $lat: Latitude (default: McAllen, TX – 26.2034).
    • $lon: Longitude (default: McAllen, TX – -98.23).
  • Returns: Array of weather data or WP_Error on failure.

Get Cached Weather Data

  • Function: evc_5day_get_weather_data_cached()
  • Description: Retrieves cached weather data or fetches fresh data if the cache is expired.
  • Returns: Array of weather data or null on failure.

Shortcode Callback

  • Function: evc_5day_forecast_shortcode($atts)
  • Description: Generates the HTML for displaying the 5-day forecast.
  • Usage: [evc_5day_forecast]

Dashboard Widget

  • Function: evc_5day_forecast_dashboard_widget()
  • Description: Displays the dashboard widget for managing the ZIP code and refreshing data.


Front-End Styles

  • Front-end styles are enqueued via the evc_5day_forecast_frontend_styles function.
  • CSS file: assets/evc-5day.css (create this file to customize the appearance).

Admin Styles

  • Admin styles can be added via the evc_5day_forecast_admin_styles function.

API Usage

  • Base Endpoint: https://api.weather.gov/
  • User-Agent: Required as per NOAA guidelines. The plugin uses (noticas48knvo.com, anthonyacosta@entravision.com).

Error Handling

  • If weather data cannot be fetched, an error message is displayed.
  • Errors are cached for 5 minutes to prevent repeated API calls.


  • Weather data is cached using WordPress transients (EVC_5DAY_TRANSIENT_DATA) for 1 hour.

Future Enhancements

  1. Support for geocoding ZIP codes to latitude/longitude.
  2. Additional styling options for forecast display.
  3. Support for more granular weather details (e.g., hourly forecast).
